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What is GBKiss?

GBKiss is a platform developed by Hudson Soft and released in 1997 for the Nintendo Game Boy. Supported cartridges can store files and transfer them wirelessly over infrared.

Hudson developed a number of files for GBKiss and distributed them via multiple channels:

  • As built-in software (Kiss-Mon 2) distributed with Pocket Bomberman;
  • Through a promotional cartridge in partnership with the Famitsu Bros gaming magazine;
  • With the GBKiss Link infrared modem, bundled on an included floppy disk; and
  • As downloads on the Hudson website for use with the GBKiss Link modem.

GBKiss was never released outside of Japan. It was supported only for a short time, and it is unclear how widely GBKiss software was ever distributed. This website serves to document and preserve it.