
GBKiss data may be compressed with a lookback-based algorithm. Compressed data contains 1-bit flags, 8-bit literals, 8-bit source addresses, and 4-bit copy lengths. Flags and copy lengths are packed into single bytes. Decompression maintains a 256-byte lookback buffer, starting at offset 0xEF.


The following pseudo-code will decompress data to bytes:

uint8_t buffer[0x100] = {};
uint8_t dst = 0xEF;
while (!eof()) {
    if (read(flags, 1)) {
        buffer[dst] = read(literals, 8);
    } else {
        uint8_t src = read(sources, 8);
        for (i in range(2 + read(lengths, 4))) {
            buffer[dst] = buffer[src++];

In the above code, read(q, b) is assumed to read a byte from the input and return it b bits at a time across subsequent calls for the same q until all 8 bits in the byte have been consumed:

uint8_t read(queue q, int bits) {
   if (!q->bits) {
       q->byte = read_byte();
       q->bits = 8;
   uint8_t result = q->byte & ((1 << bits) - 1);
   q->byte >>= bits;
   q->bits -= bits;
   return result;