Kiss Mail

Kiss-Mail icon


Kiss Mail composes mail messages that can be saved to files and transfered to and from other GBKiss cartridges. Each message may have a title and up to 8 17-characters lines.

The menu has six options:

  • つづける (“continue”): return to editor
  • セーブする (“save”): save current message to file
  • そうしんする (“send”): send current message over infrared
  • じゅしんする (“receive”): receive message over infrared
  • ポケベルにおくる (“send to pager”): play message as pager tones
  • KISSメニューにもどる (“return to KISS menu”): exit app

Saving the message requires that it have a title. If mail with the same title already exists, the app will ask for confirmation and overwrite it.

